Unity Physics

Today is the 120th anniversary of the dawn of Quantum Field Theory.
On December 14, 1900, Max Planck first introduced the notion that light was quantized energy packets to the German Physical Society.
Since then, there’s been a revolution in physics, completely dispelling the idea that the world we hear, touch, see, taste, and smell is objectively real. Now, after 120 years of deep exploration, the findings of modern physicist are profoundly close to meta-physical beliefs, except for one essential insight; non-physical causality.
Today's physics is dominated by devout materialist. While they all know the matter we perceive is an expression of energy, they cling to particles— physical causality— like drunks looking for the lost keys to the universe under the streetlamps.
It’s not the unification of physical theories, but the unity of physics with spiritual science that, I believe, will provide the roadmap for the new age. Together, the how of modern physics, unified, with the why of timeless wisdom will lead the way to a new understanding of physics and the human condition.
“From science, then, if it must be so, let man learn the philosophical truth that there in no material universe; its warp and woof is Maya, illusion. Its mirages of reality all break down under analysis."— Yogananda, 1946
The Field Thesis
For millenniums, spiritual science has asserted that the universe we experience is holographic, in today’s language. What this thesis means to quantum physics is that reality is a continuous projection— whether we view it or not.
In contrast, Quantum Field Theory suggests that reality is merely defined by a set of possibilities that snap into place once observed.
The classic example is Schrödinger's cat, where physicists imagine the cat is neither dead nor alive, but in a state of superposition, simply because it’s locked in a box out of their view. This is utter non-sense. But, don’t ask the physicists, ask the cat. If he’s still alive, he’ll meow.
According to ancient scientists, there’s no collapse of the wave function or super-positioning. These physicists are simply tuning into the Holograph as they open the box, i.e. they are decoding the field.
More generally, physicists are switching from observing projection light to observing the effects of the light; from viewing the projection mechanism to viewing the projected Holograph. Yet, they're so mystified by this experience, they call it the “measurement problem.”
What we really have is an immersion problem. If we live within a shared Holograph then our life experiences are the effects, so casuality can only be inferred. Obviously, the projection mechanism is hidden from our awareness— or this holographic reality couldn't work.
Think of spacetime as watching video through a DVR. When we’re at the scene, we’re viewing it in real-time. When we’re far, far away, that’s like tuning into past episodes, which are back in time.
When the scene is out of sight— like Schrödinger's cat— we need to piece together the evidence, since the events have already passed. That’s like an episode we just forgot to record.
Let's look at the bigger picture. From the Luxor temple in Egypt:
# Knowledge is consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of the causes from which they flow.
"The laws that govern nature" are well understood by the materialist of our day, yet there’s been much ado about the mysteries of Quantum Field Theory— which are simply the effects of a non-physical causality. What’s completely missing from their Field Theory is a Theory of Fields. Just how and why do these quantum fields arise?
According to the masters— who have perceived this deeper reality and not just probed it— the universe is a holographic projection with two primary movers, essentially the projection energy unified with the attraction of gravity. What these really are is far deeper.
As a Field Thesis, or Theory of Fields, this Universal Holograph is quantum casuality, the “causes from which they flow,” as asserted in stone on this ancient temple. Its two prime movers replace the imagainary particles at the core of the Standard Model, the Higgs and the Graviton.
If this Universal Holograph is for real, then everything, everywhere is experienced in 4D. That’s Loren’s scaling, because Lorenz had this partly right.
That’s enough of a tease for this 120th birthday.... We go way down the rabbit hole after that!
To our materialist friends, we have a new mantra: Where you once took solace in "Shut up and calculate," you may now hush up and just "Let it project."
With that, you can cling to your magical particles— "Thing One" and "Thing Two"— while the rest of us marvel at this on-going miracle, our surrounding reality.
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