There're no "Tomorrows"

If you’re not living NOW, you’re not living at all.
Think about it. Everything you've ever done -- indeed anything that was ever done-- was done "now."
Sure, we think of it as yesterday or "back then," but "back then" wasn't it now when it happened? So, why does this matter?
There's only one sure way to discern between what's dream and what's real, and that's what's doing now. Everything put off until "tomorrow" is not real -- and may never be. It remains "no thing." Since everything comes from the mind, only those visions brought to life in the "now" are converting into form. The "now" is our life stage.
Let's say you want to lose weight. Well, the first thing you need it to change that language. I "want" to go to the outerspace and, perhaps, to the moon, but that's a wish without a plan. Rather, when you say to yourself and out loud, I'm going to lose weight," that's an intent. The only question is when!
Yet, the "now" is all we have. You can only moderate now. Exercise now. The moment you give into to "tomorrow," any vision of a new, fit body returns to dreamland. That's not to say that you should head to the gym at 2am for fear of missing the "now." But, don't head for that pint of ice cream either! Going to the gym tomorrow is living in the now; putting it off again tomorrow, is living in "tomorrow." Get it?
The now is our reality machine!
Further, it take months of "nows" to get the gravitational effects you desire, i.e. a lower numbers on a scale. Yet, only through relentless action in the "now" will any vision ever unfold into form. Now is the time. Now is the path. Now is all we have.
The "now" is our reality machine! That's where you, as creator, convert vision into form; dreams into reality. There's only now. There're no "tomorrows."
Reader Comments (2)
Loved the article, keep the great information coming.
You're right, only "now", no "tomorrow". We should do great things today, not tomorrow.