“I just want you to remember that everything great that has ever happened to humanity has begun as a single thought in someone’s mind..." —Yanni, introducing "One Man's Dream," at El Morro in San Juan, Puerto Rico


Divine Elements-- From Vision to Venture!


This work is the culmination of the twelve months of contemplation inspired by the quote by a frustrated NHL coach, Bruce Boudreau, who told his players after a disappointing performance: "If you want it, don't just think you want it. Go out and [bleeping] want it."

 I wondered: Just what does it mean to "want it?" What drives our desire from "want it" to "[bleeping] want it?" How do we recreate that state!!?? Knowing that, I could master the Laws of Cause!

What follows is from first principles, but fair warning: In my view, human consciouness flows from divine light, not the 3 lbs of neural connections in our heads. Indeed, our brains are transceivers of consciousness, not generators.

Yet, regardless of whether you place faith in pop science, our shared expereince as human beings is proof enough that our primary modes of consciouness are Thinking and Feeling-- regardless of source.

First disclosed at the CPAK conference in Rancho Mirage, CA on October 18, 2014, the Divine Elements is the foundation of the Laws of Cause and the Pyramid of Desire.

First Principles

The wisdom literature from antiquity reveals that the Cosmic Vibration, the great "light" of Aum, conveys both energy and information— the Cosmic Intelligence known as Tat.

Even in ancient symbols, Cosmic intelligence (air) is contained within the Cosmic Vibration (fire)—like music carried within a high-energy radio wave.

Within our consciousness, we experience these vibrations as Thinking and Feeling. Indeed, our brains are perfectly designed to process this divine light.

Their most profound and obvious features are the two dedicated hemispheres that process thinking and feeling, the left brain for thinking and the right brain for feeling. You might think of our brains as having dual APUs or Aum Processing Units.

In addition, where we focus our attention determines whether we experience the divine light as an Introversion or Extraversion.

When internally focused, thinking and feeling creates logical and creative energies, those we experience during contemplation. When externally focused, thinking and feeling creates form and connective energy, those we express when we interact with the others and the world through our senses.

We glimpse the unmanifest in contemplation or while daydreaming. We Dream and Believe, turning our attention to the thinking and feeling energies within, imagining what might be. This is Vision.

Then, when we chose to do so, we manifest our Vision in the world, applying these same feeling and thinking energies externally through our actions. We Love and Create. This is Venture.

The graphic below depicts human consciouness as we determine when Vision will become Venture.


Everything man has created was once an inspired idea.

Look around— cars, trucks, trains, buildings; consumer products, like radios, iphones, the computer you may be reading this on; but also soft “wares” like stories, songs, music, the constitution and laws. Even performances like acting, dance, and poetry, all began as ideas.

Put in modern day terms, the essential steps of innovation are: Dream, Believe, Love, and Create. All things created began as dreams, plans are impassioned with unshakable belief, action is made diligent through love of work, and creations are brought into form and presented through courageous engagement.

These four energies, the two internal energies, logic and creative, and the two external energies, connective and form, map precisely to the Divine Elements from antiquity, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

These elements represent the essential steps of human innovation, from inspired idea to final form. Air represents ideas and abstract reasoning. Fire is creative intuition, will and belief. Water represents devotional action; ceaseless immersion in one’s work. Earth represents the end product; final form or result.

With the fall of the human awareness into the dark ages, it’s no surprise that we are just beginning to grasp the significance of this ancient recipe to the most apparent of all human ventures; the continuous creation of civilization.

These are the elements by which humanity manifests from the unmanifest or, if you don’t care for that language, the energies required to turn thought into form. Form is not made of these elements, but by these elements. Your mind is where Vision becomes Venture— or where it stalls— depending on your perceptions, beliefs, effort, and courage.

“Form is not made of these elements, but by these elements.”

The fifth Divine Element, Spirit, is the source of it all. Dismissed, of course, by those who dismiss the divine light altogether. Yet, regardless of the source of inspired ideas— be it a glimmer of the divine light or the firing of local neurons— all human creation follows a specific order; Air, Fire, Water, and then Earth.

When the divine light flows in our minds, it's exactly the reverse of what the ancient stupas symbolize: man’s ascension to the heavens from Earth through Water, Fire, and Air. The divine light— information and energy— flows to man from spirit through Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.This is the process of innovation. In modern day language, the steps are Dream, Believe, Love and Create.

Venture Gap

During our lifetime, we create on two fronts: legacy and mastery. Legacy is what we do; Mastery is what we become.

Doing and Being manifest from within; both interact with and perfect through the rich experience of Venture. There is no doing without mastery, and there is no mastery without doing. These are interdependent.

The process of achievement is simple: Dream big, steadfastly believe, labor with love, and then create the life of your dreams, right? Right! We all know there’s a gap between vision and venture—that gap is between your ears! You might dream and believe it. That’s vision. But until you venture— love and create— whatever the vision, it remains “no thing.”

"Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"— The Matrix

This gap that will not be crossed until you really “want it!” Well, that’s the subtlety, because everyone “wants it” a little, maybe even a lot. Yet, we’re not going to Love and Create it until "we [bleeping] want it," so badly that our entire being is behind the effort!

We get hung up at belief. It’s as though we stand on a ledge, dream in hand, facing a chasm we fear crossing. Let's call this the Venture Gap. Yet, it’s not the lack of desire, but intensity of desire that determines if we venture. To really “want it,” we have to intensely believe our vision is personal, urgent, and necessary before we fully commit.

The War of Perceptions

Desires arise from the difference in what we’ve got and what we want. Yet, it’s not that simple. The difference is actually driven by the perception of what we’ve got and what we want— and that may be entirely different from objective reality!

Our perceptions are remapped by fear and delusion; by avoidance and denial. Fear is the feeling aspect and delusion is the thinking aspect of our divine awareness. The same imagination that can create a masterpiece of art or innovate a rocket ship is readily available to sabotage our ventures!

When we dream big, we are pushing back fear. When we discipline our minds to believe we’ve got nothing— despite milestone accomplishments— we are pushing back delusion to maintain a state of “wanting it.

Desire is intensified by Certainty and Urgency. We may be 100% certain of our vision but, without urgency, we procrastinate. Or, it may seem 100% urgent to “do something,” but without certainty of vision, we obsess. Taken together, when we know and it’s now—the “time is right and the time is now”—we resonate with and strengthen our Vision with enough determination to cross the Venture Gap.

We also map Dedication as certainty and Discipline as urgency. Determination, in case you're wondering, is beyond Desire. Until you know and it's now, you won't make the absolute commitment necesary venture-- the prerequisite for Determination (Note: The word means "the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose." So, no commitment, no "Determination").

The Rise of Personality

Though life experience, we form many habitual fear blockers and delusions to protect ourselves from unpleasant encounters. Each of us naturally gravitates toward 4 primary social styles that seem safe and familiar.

These style associations are nothing new (Jung, Myers Briggs, and others). What's added here is the connection to first principles; back to the primary internal/external engergy expressions of thinking and feeling. I choose the word Valiance because, wherever we feel safe and competant, we tend to be "boldly couragous," the dictionary definition of valiancy.


  • Pleasers are Amiable. High Warmth, often low Logic. 
  • Protectors are Drivers. High Logic, often low Warmth.
  • Producers are Analytical: dreamers who often fail to act.
  • Performers are Expressive: doers who often fail to plan.

Our destiny is to become whole, so we naturally gravitate toward relationships with opposites who most complete or perfect us. Ideally, we are already "whole" on our own, so healthiest attraction is a matter of perfecting not completing.

Pleasers are mutually attracted to Protectors, each craving the warmth or competence held by the other and lacking in themselves. Producers and Performers, while often more balanced on their own, crave the doing and dreaming skills strongest in the other.

Expanding each style to include the predominate energy, eight Valiances arise.

For example, Producers will exhibit inventiveness or inquisitiveness depending on whether they tend to be more creative or logical. Performers will exhibit more passion or prestige depending on whether they tend to be people-driven (connective energy) or status-driven (forming energy).

Finally, these eight areas of Valiance map to eight goal setting areas under four main catagories: Emotional, Venture, Vision, and Mental (ordered to match graphic). Goal setting, of course, is nothing new. What's added here is the unification of goals, styles, attraction, vision, and venture into a whole.


The Divine Elements


“I just want you to remember that everything great that has ever happened to humanity has begun as a single thought in someone’s mind" 
 Yanni, introducing "One Man's Dream,at El Morro in San Juan, Puerto Rico


Everything man has created was once an idea.

Look around -- cars, trucks, trains, buildings; consumer products, like radios, iphones, the computer you may be reading this on; but also soft “wares” like stories, songs, music, the constitution and laws. Even performances like acting, dance, and poetry. All began as inspired ideas.

All innovation consists of four elemental steps; an inspired idea, an impassioned plan, diligent action and courageous engagement.

Yet, the world contains only those innovations that have been brought into form by man through these four steps. We are the creators. Nature, of course, can only be harnessed, synthesized, rearranged, but not recreated by man.

No one on Earth can create a rose, for instance. Yet, like an artist, we are free to paint on nature’s canvas with the raw materials provided for us.  The real treasure trove of innovation, however, is in the mind, yet most ideas remain “no thing”— or what we know as “nothing.”

Put in modern day terms, the essential steps of innovation are: Dream, Believe, Love, and Create.  All things created begin as dreams, plans are impassioned with unshakable belief, action is made diligent through love of work, and creations are brought into form and presented to the world through courageous engagement.

"The essence of innovation is: Dream, Believe, Love, Create"

Our highest aspirations for each of these elements are: receptivity, certitude, devotion, and valor.

Like perfection itself, these ideals can only be approached; never perfected. Yet, though the reach for these ideas, the pursuit of perfection, we achieve excellence.

I’ve created a mantra, reaching up, from form to spirit, that I use every day: “No fear, no need, no doubt, no limit, no end,” including the intutiive source of all innovation as "no end."  In other words, these aspirations are:

  •    Receptivity— Dream without limit
  •    Certitude— Believe without doubt
  •    Devotion— Love without need
  •    Valor— Create without fear

Where “no thing” has formed, we find a failing of one of these essential steps: No idea, no plan, no action, or no results.  This is taking the outsider's view, looking at the failings of innovation.  Of course, any one of these elements could be a failing of degree, i.e. it’s not that they had “no idea,” but a weak idea, bad plan, too little action, etc.

There is a need for everything. Yet, it's not just the need, but the need intensity that counts. Is the intensity of need sufficient to dedicate sustained effort?

Within the innovator -- the insider's view -- wherever there’s a failure, we find one of these elements in short supply: no inspiration, no belief, no devotion or no courage. It’s essential to drive through and rise above these four personal struggles; some one, some how, some day, some die...Yes, but some rise. 

I’ve adapted the mantra from Yoganada’s, To be Victorious in Life;  "I can, I must, I will," and added "I do" and "I am," in response to the big four personal struggles facing innovators. Indeed, nothing happens until someone takes ownership; real ownership. 

Suppose you have a innovation in mind. Let's see how you would make this your own.

First off, it's apparent that "some one" will make this innovation happen. You think: "I can be the one." Then, "some how" it will take form. You think: "I must find the way." Next, "some day" this will happen.  You think: "This is my time! I will make/do this now." Finally, "some die" trying but, despite intense fears, you think: "I dare to create. If I'm going to die anyway, what better way to live than in the service of my destiny?"

  •    Some one— I can (dream) do this
  •    Some how— I must (believe) find a way
  •    Some day— I will (love) and today is the day
  •    Some die— I do (create), despite my fears
  •    Some rise— I am the one, true ownership

This is the essence of ideas brought into form, stated in modern day language that anyone can understand. 

"If I'm going to die anyway, what better way than in the service of my destiny?"

Putting this all into practice, here's another way to line up the four guiding elements:

Be Curiuous. Be True. Be Love. Be Amazing.

It's a choice; be of good cheer and resolve-- not just to live each day, Carpe Diem...

.... But, to live wholeheartedly, as if today were our final one-- Supremum Diem.


The Ancient Elements

What came as an revelation is that this sequence is as old as humanity, and I’ve come to believe that these four essential steps are the divine elements; Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

These elements— the ancient version— have been dismissed by taking them literally to mean atomic elements, like one of the 118 or so discovered in theory or in nature. Rather, they were intended to be metaphoric highway to the infinite— and back.

The Divine Elements are the essence of creation, from inspired idea to final form; Air represents ideas and inspiration. Fire is will and belief. Water represents devotional action; to immerse oneself in one’s work. Earth represents the end product; form or results. With the fall of the human awareness into the dark age, it’s not surprising that we lost this understanding.

The fifth Divine Element, Spirit (Ether), is the source of it all. Dismissed, of course, by those who dismiss the divine consciousness altogether. Regardless of source of inspired ideas— be it a glimmer of the divine or local neuron firings— the Divine Elements follow in specific order; Air, Fire, Water, Earth. In modern terms; Dream, Believe, Love, Create.

Do you see how The Tao, the way of nature, assends the five elements in exact order, from Earth to Spirit?

  • Practice it's way
  • Move in it's cycle
  • Dance in it's passion
  • Learn it's wonder
  • Awaken in it's spirit

The moment it dawned on me that the divine elements were metaphoric, I searched about and discovered that this metaphor was express all over antiquity, represented quite explicitly by four distinct physical representations: a crescent for Air, like moonlight reflecting from above; a triangle for Fire, like the drawing tool used to devise plans; a circle for Water, representing ceaseless, unbounded action, and a square for Earth; suggesting physical or finished form with 3 dimensions. 

What’s unique and presented here is the realization that the divine elemental are also the essence of all creativity (spirit to form), and not just the illusive path to enlightenment (form to spirit), universally embraced by spiritual traditions around the world and embodied by ancient stupas shown here.

Still skeptical? Consider this: Where do good ideas come from? 

If you believe as I do, then you'll recognize that this path is literally true. Ideas "flash" as a moment of insight. Those ideas "flash" from spirit over the intuitive highway that connects man with the divine consciousness. It is then entirely up to us to bring these ideas into form, dismiss them, or give them away.

The reason they "flash" and not flow, of course, is that we are mostly disconnected from the source. Through meditation, this intutuive channel is opened according a great master of wisdom, Sir Yukteswar.

"Everything is created from the Divine Elements; not made-up of air, fire, water, earth, but made by air, fire water, earth"

We’ve had these elements around us forever, yet have lost the obvious connection to ourselves, or destiny, and our purpose in life. We must again become masters the obvious: Everything is created from the Divine Elements -- not made-up of air, fire, water, earth— but made by air, fire water, earth, e.g. by us through receptivity, certitude, devotion, and valor. It is exactly as the ancient philosophers said in the language of their day; everything we create is by dreaming, believing, loving, and creating form.

In my view, success is creating legacy from destiny in this lifetime. Destiny is found in the aspirational, idealized components; i.e., receptivity, certitude, devotion, and valor. Legacy is what you envision and actually create in this lifetime: i.e., dream, believe, love, create. Mastery is the self you become through the process, embracing your inner game; i.e., no fear, no need, not doubt, no limit, and no end.

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. — Aristotle

The purpose of success, then, is not just to create legacy but to evolve and master yourself through this life's accomplishments. There’s no legacy without mastery, yet an external vision is always necessary to drive self-mastery; to conquer fear, to abandon attachments, to eliminate doubt, and to expand thinking. Life it your proving ground!

So find your own "big dream;" your destiny in this lifetime. Then, as you continue to bring that dream to life, your legacy, you’ll master yourself in the process



The Divine Elements


Dream, Believe, Love, Create; these are the Divine Elements, and what connects innovation with the world within.